Our Corporate Gold Members:

New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Night
To empower and champion the growth, success, and prosperity of our New Zealand, Hong Kong, Macau and China business communities through resourceful support, advocacy and collaboration

The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (NZCCHK) was founded on 4 January 1982 to promote the New Zealand economic presence in Hong Kong. Since then the continued increases in capital and trade flows between New Zealand, Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China have been factors in the Chamber's activities. NZCCHK is a not-for-profit organisation established in Hong Kong under the Societies Ordinance Cap 151.

NZCCHK was first registered as the New Zealand Hong Kong Business Association. The original Certificate of Exemption under the Societies Ordinance Cap. 151 is available here.

The Chamber provides a forum between New Zealand, Hong Kong and China business executives to:

Our Regular Activities
Team Talkz
NZCCHKonnect Monthly Networking
GBA Study Tours

Collaborative Events

A bi-monthly boardroom sandwich lunch freaturing presentations by New Zealand related businesses in
Hong Kong

Our monthly networking event attended by members and guests who share their experiences in doing business in Hong Kong
Greater Bay Area

A programme of study tours to the Greater Bay Area to introduce the region to members while seeking opportunities for business
Collaborative Events

NZCCHK members are provided opportunities to attend a range of seminars, conferences and trade shows in Hong Kong and the region

Quick Links

Join NZCCHK : Corporate / Individual

Subscribe to NZCCHK's weekly eNews

NZCCHK Administrative Documents

Kiwis in Hong Kong

New Zealand regional trade agreements

Trade and Investment Enquiry

Opening business bank accounts in Hong Kong

New Zealand Hong Kong Working Holiday Scheme